
Spring Fever

I'm not a huge fan of winter, but when you live in a city like mine, you have to get used to the fact that the majority of your months will be spent indoors escaping from the cold. Today the forecast was for -18'C and ice crystals. I wondered what the heck ice crystals were until my walk home from the office where I was pelted in the face by tiny little shards of ice. Hey, at least the sun was still out!

Normally around this time of year I get a bit of spring fever. I hate waking up in pitch black and motivating myself to 'get up and get going because a great day lies ahead'. I'm tired of layering on the scarves and the mitts and walking through the snow/slosh on the street.  I long for sunshine, flowers, green leaves, and to hear birds chirping (apparently I want to live in a Disney cartoon).

But for now I must pretend I live here, in this room flooded with natural light, exciting spring fabrics, a side table of strange items which I cannot identify and a lamp that doesn't need to be turned on in February.

Bring on Spring!

1 comment:

  1. Loving all the bright colors! Fingers crossed that spring comes to you soon!
