
Nine Months: S'not Always Fun and Somersaults

We've been sniffing and sneezing for nearly a month here - a month! It's been rather annoying, I must say, because September is such a fun time of year and I hate to miss out on activities or limit them due to runny noses, watery eyes and the works. But it hasn't been just all fall colds here either. Ben actually developed a low grade fever this past month (when he cut his second tooth) and it was a huge challenge for us all considering it was the first fever we've experienced. Poor boy was absolutely wiped out, sweating, whimpering and only wanted to lie on my chest. Did I mention that this kid is NOT a cuddler? It was so sad but also reminded me how grateful I am to have a normally healthy child. What we experienced those few days doesn't even compare to what a lot of people have to face (and worse). So snot and sniffles, coughing, projectile vomit and multiple wake-ups at night for a few weeks is okay - we'll survive it and it will go away eventually.

We've been introducing Ben to a variety of new foods and textures - not just the strained stuff anymore.  We don't push anything too hard but want to expose him to a few different flavours (this coming from a girl who ordered chicken fingers and fries at nearly every eating establishment that was frequented from age 6-12). I love watching Ben's facial expressions whenever he tries something new - usually a look of disgust followed by 'more' 'more' or 'I refuse to open my mouth ever again'. He's now happy eating rice crackers, puffs, small pieces of bread and soft fruit bits. He loves feeding himself and almost always tries to grab the spoon from us when he can. Not surprisingly, it's a bit messier around here at dinner time.

My workout regime has also increased this month. It's nearly impossible to keep up to this boy. I've got to watch him like a hawk because he gets into absolutely everything and at lightning speed. So much for sitting on the floor and quietly playing with a toy while I shower. Nope, he's pulling to stand on most surfaces he deems suitable and is wanting to make his way around the room. Time for the serious baby-proofing. He also loves riding on top of Danny's shoulders and bounces up and down with enthusiasm when its time to 'giddy up'. Don't even get me started on Ben's game of launching himself off the bed  into Danny's arms and finishing with a summersault. I have to close my eyes.

Feeling like we're settling into a bit more of a routine now that the hustle and bustle of summer has quieted down a bit. I've been loving this unseasonably warm weather lately so we've been making more walks around the neighbourhood, at the zoo, around the reservoir and through rainy mountain towns. We hosted a few dinners and had play dates with some old friends but are mostly at home practicing how to wave/say hi (he totally gets it now) and clapping our snotty hands together. You're welcome.

Off to rub some Baby Vaporub on my congested boy!

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