
Ten Months: Growing, Growing, Gone!

Double digits. I'll be honest, this scares me a bit. Ben is definitely changing into a little boy and although I love to see him growing and developing I'm starting to wonder where my baby is!

Not sure exactly what he weights but I'd say around 21lbs? He spans the entire length of his change mat (32in) which we always keep on the floor because a diaper change wouldn't be a diaper change without at least three body torques. A third tooth has made an appearance (top incisor) and more are on the way. Ben's hair is at the point where I'm debating a trim for him (so many uneven pieces) but then I'd have no idea where to even start 'style wise'. Maybe I'll leave it until after his first birthday. We'll see.

Thanks to some recently installed baby gates (yay Grandpa) we now let Ben roam around a bit more. He's really drawn to electrical cords, remotes, iPhones (or technology of any kind) the fireplace, kitchen chair legs and anything that looks edible... which basically encompasses everything. There weren't as as many bumps and tumbles this month, probably due to his improving balance and stabilization. No unassisted walking yet but manoeuvring around furniture on his own is not a problem.

Ben (aka the 'Squirrel' who stashes as much food as he eats) loves to be in charge of feeding himself. Right now he likes sliced up bananas, multigrain bread bits, rice puffs, Mum Mum crackers, Baby Gourmet pouches and most baby food. I tried introducing some more variety into his diet (sliced up raspberries, blackberries and the like) but they just seem to elicit a 'sour' face usually followed by a vomit. Got the point, buddy.

Ben loves to ride his little wooden rocking horse (hi ho silver!). I can always tell when he wants to get on because he stands up beside it, grabs the handles and starts bouncing his little legs. He's making his preferences known in other areas of life as well. He used to accept most things as we gave them to him but now he'll huff and whine until we've located the 'proper' object. 'Mamama' seems to be his 'word' of choice (hurray!) but he's also really good at growling on command or squealing 'hiiii' at an exaggerated high pitch.

This month we celebrated Thanksgiving with Danny's side of the family and made the usual play date rounds. Danny and I spent our first ever night away from Ben (a mountain getaway) while my parents entertained Ben back at home. They had so much fun together I doubt Ben even noticed our absence. The cold arrived along with some snow a couple weeks ago. Ben doesn't like wearing any head gear but is going to have to get used to it. We live in Canada, kid, this is reality.

Looking forward to our first Halloween - his costume fits the 'snowsuit requirement', I just hope it still fits him!

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